Saturday, February 26, 2011

[Romaniansubs] JYJ Interview MBN Entertainment Magazine

Cel mai frumos interviu de până acum.
Junsu era foarte obosit şi din cauza asta s-a comportat aşa :))
Sper să vă placă.
Wasurenaide ...DBSK...

Credit: GeoSubCo@Youtube

Kpop Profile : Romanian Kpop Fans/ My Friends {part I}

 BFF~~~ ♥
(Kiss Couple)

"I love GD and Se7en *.*"

Romanian Name: Nicoleta
Korean Name: Lee NiTae
Stage Name: Nikk
Birthdate: December 19,1994
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Hobbies: Music, computer, dancing, roller skates
Favorite band: SHINee (Blinger BLINGER!)
Favorite song to sing at karaoke: Raining - FT Island
Country I want to visit most: Korea or France
First love: was in 7th grade
Fav. Color: Gray
Fav. Book: Thursday's Child by Sandra Brown
Fav season: Summer
Hours of sleep you get: 9 hours
A word that you use a lot: I don't know!
Fav. Fruit: Orange
Fav Flower: Carnation
What I want to receive from the person I love: Something expensive :))
# of kids you want: 0
What would you say to someone who's about to die: keep a place for me; I will come very soon.
How much can you drink: 1 glass
How honest were you: Very


We are MMM! ♫ ♪
(MMM = Music, Movie Mates xDD)

"Siwon and Changmin are really sweet and handsome!"

Romanian Name: Valentina
Korean Name: Shin Min Rin
Stage Name: Valeee
Birthdate: December 20,1994
Height: 157 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Hobbies: dancing, karaoke, computer, to go out with my friends
Favorite band: Fierce BLACKJACK(2NE1)
Favorite song to sing at karaoke: Hero - Enrique Iglesias; 2NE1 -  Clap Your Hands
Country I want to visit most: Korea or Turkey
First love: first love was in 7th grade
Fav. Color: Purple lilac
Fav. Book: Children of the Lamp by P.B.Kerr
Fav season: Summer
Hours of sleep you get: 8-9 hours
A word that you use a lot: Baby
Fav. Fruit: Pomelo
Fav Flower: Orchid
What I want to receive from the person I love: Big Teddy Bear
# of kids you want: 0
What would you say to someone who's about to die: Farewell
How much can you drink: Half a glass
How honest were you: Half-honest xDDD


Soul mates right here bb ~~~

"I like Kevin, Taemin, Yoochun, Yesung very very very much o.o"

Romanian Name: Dorina
Korean Name: Moon soo young
Stage Name: Dodo
Birthdate: August 25, 1994
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Hobbies: listening to music, dancing, having fun with friends, roller skates
Fav band : SHINee, U-Kiss, Super Junior, B2ST
Favorite song to sing at karaoke: Raining - FT Island
Country I want to visit most: Korea
First love: Secret.hehe (9th grade)
Fav. Color: Blue, White
Fav. Book: Children of the Lamp
Fav season: Summer
Hours of sleep you get: 10 hours
A word that you use a lot: Leave!
Fav. Fruit: Cherries
Fav Flower: Lily of the valley
What I want to receive from the person I love: Love~Love~Love
# of kids you want: 1
What would you say to someone who's about to die: I think positive towards sick people hmm " everything will be okay" or " "You will leave the hospital soon."
How much can you drink: 1-2 glasses
How honest were you: Very honest


Leave a comment if you want a profile like this.^^

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Yet, impossible dreams are sad: they make me cry..

Vă place melodia Forgotten Season?
Este tristă, dar atât de frumoasă. *.*
Vocea lui Jaejoong este superba! xDD
||Lucrez la interviul cu JYJ ptr. MBN. Din cauza scolii, nu am avut timp sa subtitrez absolut nimic. :( ||

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

[RomanianSubs][HD] JYJ Happy Valentine's Day Message C-Jes

Happy Valentine's Day with JYJ ^^
Cute, Cute, Cute~~
Mai ales cand s-a enervat Junsu <333 Ce vrei sa spui? Cum adica ganditi la fel? LOL Junsu sshi eu i-as fii batut pe amandoi :))
JJ crede ca scapa de raceala cu fular ,caciula (nici macar nu ii se vad ochii/fata bine) ...PIEPTUL NU ESTE AL TAU JJ??!!(nu imi vine sa cred ca am zis piept; nu am mai mancat de 2 zile; Jaejoong baga in el si slabeste (o.o) si eu nu mananc si..slabesc desigur hahaha)
Ah asa s-a imbracat mereu... Numai in Canada l-am vazut imbracat mai bine =))
Cate greseli am la video~~ >____< wheew~~ Anyway sper sa va placa~~~!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Waaa chiar dezamăgită.~
Credeam cu tărie că fanii kpop, fanii români care iubesc Coreea sunt mai diferiţi decât toate piţipoancele,toţi cocălarii şi mai ştiu eu ce specimene care într-adevăr fac ţara asta şi mai de căcat decât este.
Atât de multă invidie şi BĂTAIE DE JOC...
Toate am muncit atât de mult,toate iubim acelaşi lucru, toate am avut curajul să facem asta..v-aţi gândit vreodată în felul ăsta?
Voi nu înţelegeţi sau nu vreţi să înţelegeţi că trebuie să ne respectăm , să ne încurajăm sau măcar să nu ne facem rău între noi.
Sper să vă gândiţi de două ori înainte atunci când mai faceţi asemenea lucruri laşe, urâte care nu arată bine pe lângă un fan care iubeşte o ţară frumoasă ca Coreea.
În viitorul apropiat sper să fim mai uniţi. 
Sper să vadă mesajul ăsta cine trebuie.
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