Saturday, October 29, 2011

Părerea psihologului despre fanii kpop

(Click pe poză pentru full size)
[Traducerea în engleză: sixbyul from tumblr.]
Mie mi se pare destul de adevărat ce spune acest psiholog. 
Voi ce spuneți?
Singurul lucru care mă îngrijorează este acea rată a mariajului care este , se pare, scăzută. haha

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Kpop Profile : Romanian Kpop Fans/ My Friends {Part IV}

My favorite in Kpop world is (Max) Changmin [TVXQ]!

Romanian Name: Daniela
Korean Name: Shim Dan Ah ('Shim' because of Shim Changmin XD and 'Dan Ah' because Dana is short for Daniela)
Stage Name: hmm.. maybe SunAh, MinAh or EunAh (kind of random+Ah) :D
Birthdate: 20 April 1993
Height: aprox. 1,62 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Hobbies: watching movies, travelling, hiking, reading, drawing/painting, listening to music etc
Favorite song to sing at karaoke: Hm, not sure.. >.< right now SHINee - Hello
Favorite band: TVXQ (DBSK/Tohohinki/Dong Bang Shin Ki --- JYJ&HoMin) all time favorite! I love all 5 of them and that's not gonna change ever (^-^)v
Country I want to visit most: South Korea
First love: I may be experiencing it right now.. keke
Fav. Color: Green
Fav. Book: For now, Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
Fav season: Spring 
Hours of sleep you get: 6 h usually
A word that you use a lot: "nah", "cute", "aish" 
Fav. Fruit: Cherries
Fav Flower: Full pale pink Peonies
What I want to receive from the person I love: Hm, a lot! keke~ nah... I want love, understanding, trust and guidance ^^
# of kids you want: Maximum 2
What would you say to someone who's about to die: "Is there anything i can do for you?"
How much can you drink: Alcohol? I don't usually drink it
How honest were you: Honest. ^^

Monday, October 10, 2011

JYJ's Message to European Fans (RomanianSubs)

Cine merge la primele concerte din Europa ale băieților de la JYJ? :D
Primul va fi în Spania, pe 29, luna asta.^^
JYJ va fi prima trupă kpop care va concerta în Spania. (Barcelona)
Site-ul oficial de unde vă puteți lua biletul:
Am înțeles că deja s-au dus 80% din ele. DAEBAK!!

Al doilea concert în Germania. (Berlin)
Concertul va fi pe 6 noiembrie, ora 7pm.^^
Biletul îl puteți lua de aici:

Un video scurt cu băieții, care ne aduc la cunoștință faptul că vor avea în sfârșit concerte în Europa. ^^
Credit: GeoSubCo@YT

Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitați pagina de facebook oficială a fanclubului românesc dedicat formației TVXQ/JYJ - Mirotic Crystal =>

Kpop Profile : Romanian Kpop Fans/ My Friends {Part III}

I love G-Dragon, Yoseop and Hyun seung!

Romanian Name: Ana-Maria
Korean Name: Kyung-Ja Choe
Stage Name: 2xVe ( veve)
Birthdate: 05.08.1994
Height: 156cm
Weight: 54 kg
Hobbies: dancing , reading, sometimes singing..but that's happen just when i'm alone at home
Favorite song to sing at karaoke: Favourite is Kim Bo Kyung suddenly from City hunter
Favorite band: Big Bang and Beast
Country I want to visit most: I can't choose between South Korea and Japan
First love: A friend :)
Fav. Color: Purple ^^
Fav. Book: Huh it's hard to choose T.T Haruki Murakami - Dance dance dance
Fav season: Winter and summer ♥
Hours of sleep you get: 6-7 h. In weekend 9-10 h
A word that you use a lot: go away or "what??" :))
Fav. Fruit: Apple, strawberries and watermelon
Fav Flower: Sakura, rose (dark pink)
What I want to receive from the person I love: Love,respect,trust, etc
# of kids you want: 2 (a boy and a girl)
What would you say to someone who's about to die: " It's ok! I'm here with you and nothing will happen.
You just have to stay calm. You know that we love you and we'll be with you no matter what."
How much can you drink: I think medium; haha Depends on what kind of drink.:) If it's alcohol I don't know. :))
How honest were you: Honest. haha I strongly affirm that i am the most honest person I know.^^

Romanian Name: Karla
Korean Name: YoungGi
Stage Name: YoungGi
Birthdate: 11.11.1996
Height: 167cm
Weight: 53 kg
Hobbies: Singing,painting,drawing,dancing
Favorite song to sing at karaoke: Tragedy-Soulstar
Country I want to visit most: South Korea of course :3
First love: I've never fell in love
Fav. Color: Turquoise
Fav. Book: Take Care Of My Mom (Ommaneul Bbuttakae)
Fav season: Summer
Hours of sleep you get:haha 12 hours
A word that you use a lot: LOL and Batman Batman
Fav. Fruit: Mango
Fav Flower: Rose (Yellow)
What I want to receive from the person I love: Nothing special..something made with love
# of kids you want: 2
What would you say to someone who's about to die: I'm glad I had the honour to meet you
How much can you drink:I don't drink
How honest w

I love Kwon Ji Yong (G Dragon)!

Romanian Name: Daniela
Korean Name: Daniera? or Daniella [don't have one yet :D]
Stage Name: VeVy
Birthdate: 01/11/1990
Height: 173cm
Weight: 53kg
Hobbies: Music , painting , volleyball  
Favorite song to sing at karaoke: "My heart will go on" , "Tell me Goodbye" - BIGBANG
Favorite band: Big Bang
Country I want to visit most: Egipt
First love: as in boy ? If so ... well I was 5 and it was my cousin :LOL:
Fav. Color: Babby Blue
Fav. Book: "Sarpele" by Mircea Eliade
Fav season: Spring <3
Hours of sleep you get: It depends ... most of the time from 5 to 7 hours. If I don't have school [vacation] and anything else to do I will sleep 14h =)))
A word that you use a lot: "Naspa" , "pffft" [if this is a word :)) ] 
Fav. Fruit: Raspberry
Fav Flower: Peony
What I want to receive from the person I love: Just love and attention , these would be enough for me , but once in a will a surprise gift would be okey :D
# of kids you want: 2 ... a boy and a girl
What would you say to someone who's about to die: Be happy , Don't worry ! I'm sure you'll go to a better place.
How much can you drink: alchool... it depends but not much :)) I'm a weak drinker... water not as much as I should have to drink. 
How honest were you: Very Honest <3 

My No1 is Yoseop!

Romanian Name:Cristina-Gabriela
Korean Name: Han Je-Sup
Stage Name: Arisa
Birthdate: 29/03/1996
Height: 165cm
Weight: 54 kg
Hobbies: singing,dancing,drawing and listening music
Favorite song to sing at karaoke: Shinee-Hello
Favorite band: Beast
Country I want to visit most: Korea
First love: Alex
Fav. Color: Red
Fav. Book: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Fav season: Summer
Hours of sleep you get: 8-10
A word that you use a lot: woow~ 
Fav. Fruit: Strawberry
Fav Flower: Rose
What I want to receive from the person I love: 100 roses
# of kids you want: 1-2
What would you say to someone who's about to die: sorry i couldn't help you:(
How much can you drink: not very much
How honest were you: i'm very honest.:)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Artiștii coreeni în revista românească Popcorn

De data aceasta nu mai este vorba de revistele online, ci de binecunoscuta revistă a adolescenților, POPCORN.
După postul de televiziune Music Channel, Popcorn ne-a pregătit o surpriză plăcută în cea mai nouă ediție a ei.
2NE1 apar pe copertă cu un titlu foarte sugestiv : KPOP ROCKS! ♥
Artiștii care apar în revistă sunt : JYJ, Big Bang, F(x), SNSD, SHINee și DBSK5. 

Sunt câteva greșeli în articol, dar sperăm ca data viitoare să fie atenți atunci când redactează.
Voi ați cumpărat revista? ♥

Primele reviste online despre kpop din România

Prima revistă a fost făcută pe 3 ianuarie 2010. 
Numele revistei este roa(f).
În folder găsiți și fanii care au contribuit la scrierea revistei.^^
(Coperta primului număr)

Cea de-a doua revistă făcută de fanii aceluiași forum : Hallyudex, cunoscut înainte ca RAF (Romania Asians Fanatic), și-a schimbat numele și de acum înainte se va numi The Great Escape.
Aceasta a apărut pe 3 septembrie 2011, cu un design mult mai profesional.
(Coperta celui de-al doilea număr)

Întreaga revistă o puteți citi pe site-ul Hallyudex :

KWORLD ROMANIA - O altă revistă dedicată kpop-ului, o altă echipă pusă pe treabă, alte subiecte atinse.
Aceasta a apărut în luna Iulie 2011.
(Coperta primului număr)

Echipa a revenit pe 15 august 2011, cu al doilea număr.


Le urez succes ambelor echipe și sper să facă o treabă bună în continuare.^^

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